Installing and 'tweaking' Linux on a MacBook Pro

MacBook Pro (Retina, 2013/2014) / MacBookPro11.3

  1. Starting Point: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS — while other distributions might yet better results 'out of the box', for 'consistency's sake', I chose Ubuntu, and 22.04 LTS and later yielded _horribly laggy_ performance for reasons that I still couldn't find after a few hours of searching (at least as of JUL-2024)
  2. Facetime HD camera firmware: while 'isight-firmware-tools' seemed to come up most often while searching for ways to get the integrated camera to be recognised by the kernel, it seems that _that_ only supports the older 'non-HD' cameras — in the end, I had to go with / <file> git clone cd facetimehd-firmware make && make install git clone cd bcwc_pcie make && make install depmod && modprobe -r bdc_pci && modprobe facetimehd echo facetimehd » /etc/modules </file>
  3. Changing the default fn-key behaviour: as per <file text> # echo 2 > /sys/module/hid_apple/parameters/fnmode # options hid_apple fnmode=2 » /etc/modprobe.d/hid_apple.conf # update-initramfs -u -k all </file>

See Also