Table of Contents

Soil Sampling


Materials Needed


Simple Dilutions

Serial Dilutions

A series of simple dilutions which amplifies the dilution factor

Sampling Solid Material

Compost or Soil

You may find that a 1:5 dilution is appropriate for compost but not soil; soil likely requires making serial dilutions (see Making a Serial Dilution below)

Sampling Liquid Material

Extract, Compost Tea, Pond Water

Material does not need to be diluted. If you are doing a qualitative analysis then you may need to dilute this material to do bacterial counts. This is the same procedure as above, start with a simple dilution and proceed with serial dilutions as needed (see Making a Serial Dilution below).

Make a slide

Making a Serial Dilution

For counting bacteria

Note: Everything increases by a factor of 10

Field of Views (FOV)

Pick a corner on the slide and scan the entire slide at 40X TM (total magnification) this means looking through the 10x eye piece while using the 4X lens. If you find that you cannot identify anything because there is too much material in the way, add 5 mL of water to your vile (you now have a 1:10 dilution). If you still can’t see, continue making serial dilutions until you can. Keep track of the dilutions though.

4x lens (40 TM)

Scan for nematodes, to identify type zoom in up to 400x TM (using the 40x lens) record findings appropriately.

Make note of:

10x (100x TM)

Use to hone in on objects and bring them into focus before going up to the 40X lens

40x (400X TM)

Done at the same dilution as when scanning for nematodes or if needed go up

20 random FOV (fields of view)

Look for:

Other indicators of + or – such as anaerobic indicators, bad fungi, bacterial clumping...

When counting bacteria, make serial dilutions.

Adjusting your spreadsheet

Checklist and Summary