Elaine Ingham (2016). Microscope Intensive Course

Elaine Ingham and the Soil Learning Center. 2016. Microscope Intensive Course.

This eight lesson, approx. 6.5 hour course provides a thorough overview of the role and use of microscopes in the soil biological context, and is a part of the Soil Food Web's Foundation Course. In addition to a general introduction to microscope use, this course covers: the preparation of soil samples; the morphology of the common microorganisms and other materials found in the soil; the quantitative counting of organisms; and the data that can be obtained from counting fields.

The lesson titles are:

  1. Introduction to the Microscope
  2. Sample Preparation
  3. Morphology of Bacteria
  4. Morphology of Fungi
  5. Morphology of Algae, Pollen, Protozoa and Nematodes
  6. Morphology of Other Materials in the Soil
  7. Quantification Counting Organisms
  8. Data From Counting Fields