Professional Experience

If I had to describe myself in a nutshell appropriate for this forum, I would say that I am most in my element when collaborating in small- to medium-sized multi-disciplinary groups and creating through the mediums of technology and/or organisational structures. And that my strengths include such things as:

I have had extensive experience designing, developing, analysing and integrating software systems and computing infrastructure — both research and production — within the defence and mining sectors, and as a consultant, and I have worked on numerous projects as a system architect, integrator and analyst, and as a programmer. I have also conducted requirements analyses, technology reviews and research projects, mapped work-flows and processes, and co-facilitated workshops and planning sessions.

And I like to think that I have strong communication skills and problem solving abilities, a good work ethic, a desire to understand technological and organisational systems alike, and that I work well as part of an interdisciplinary team, as evidenced, at least in part, by the range of collaborations and research I've been involved with over the years.

My formal studies have been in Information Technology, Applied Mathematics and Electronic Engineering (having completed Bachelor degrees with Honours in both Science and Engineering at the University of Western Australia), however, I also spent a year doing post-graduate research in Adaptive Systems and Cognitive Science while working for the Defence Science and Technology Organisation.

Since moving to Germany, I have broadened my fields of interest to include soil microbiology and Mycology and mushroom cultivation, and to a lesser extent, Permaculture, off-grid systems and practices in the context of energy, water and food independence, (re)forestation techniques, impulsive and resonant electrical systems, and Körpertherapie / Entpanzerung (nach Wilhelm Reich) — albeit in a self-taught capacity.

Employment History

For a more detailed description of my employment history please see my LinkedIn profile or my Curricula Vitae (below) however, a very brief summary of my career to date could be:

Curricula Vitae

For those so inclined, you can also check out the public versions of my english and german Curricula Vitae via the links below.

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metz_-_curriculum_vitae_de_202405_public.pdf319.6 KiB2024-05-12 07:29
metz_-_curriculum_vitae_en_202405_public.pdf315.9 KiB2024-05-12 07:29