Permaculture Courses

Bill Mollison. 1995. Permaculture Lecture Series. Filmed at the Fossil Rim Wildlife Center, Glen Rose, TX, US. Available from

From the series' description at

“These videos are documents from two design courses taught by Bill Mollison at the Fossil Rim Wildlife Center in Glen Rose Texas in 1994 and 1995. They are a definitive selection from our original 16 part series. These tapes bear many viewings and will benefit anyone who wants to learn how to help regenerate the earth — from back yard to bio-region.”


Bill Mollison and Geoff Lawton. 2005. Permaculture Design Course. Available from (online content) and

From the latter link:

“The Permaculture Design Certificate Course was filmed in September 2005 at The University of Melbourne. Using a professional production team. The entire course is presented by Bill Mollison and Geoff Lawton. Each disc has (+/-) 4.5 hours of content, 58.5 hours total for the set. The last disc finishes up Chapter 14, student questions, the design assignment, graduation, round table and conclusion to the course.

“There were 13 hours of the course devoted to students producing their designs (2 hours with Geoff mentoring, students also worked after class hours to complete their designs) the student design presentations (7.5 hours, big class!), the graduation day, round table, conclusion, and the where to from here? discussion (6 hours). The entire footage of these 13 hours is reduced to a delightful 60 minute (+/-) collage for the viewer.”


Will Hooker. 2010. HS432: Introduction to Permaculture. Course. NC State University. Available from

From the first lecture's description:

“Permaculture means 'permanent culture', (or 'permanent agriculture') and ...'is the conscious design and maintenance of cultivated ecosystems that have the diversity, stability, and resilience of a natural ecosystem.' (Bill Mollison)

“This course will explore, through lectures, discussions, field trips, and required projects, a design/thinking methodology that seeks to provide for our physical needs, food, water, shelter, energy, etc., while doing so in an environmentally friendly, sustainable manner. The Saturday field trips and the weekend mountain trip are all optional.”

William Horvath. 2021. Permaculture Farm Design Course. Available from at

From the course's description:

This online course is specifically made for people who want to create a permaculture design for their land by themselves, and need practical guidance and actionable details on how to do it.

In the course, you get access to a practical permaculture design framework, broken down into easy to follow activities, that’ll guide you through the process of creating a masterplan for your permaculture farm or homestead.

There are four phases in our design process:

Phase 1: Goals and Context Articulation
Phase 2: Site Assessment
Phase 3: Whole-farm Layout
Phase 4: Detailed Design — Implementation Loop

Each phase of the process corresponds to one module of the course and we’ll go through them in this order.


William Horvath. 2022. Permaculture Implementation Program. Available from at

From the course's description:

This online program is specifically designed for permaculture farmers and homesteads who are starting out with their farm or homestead development, who are mostly doing things on their own, and need practical guidance on implementation. The program provides you with the practical tools so you know exactly WHAT to do WHEN, and HOW, with a specific focus on growing food.

There are four modules:

Module 1: The big picture — this part of the program explains gives you an overview of the hands-on work required to grow food an abundance of food;
Module 2: Your Yearly Plan — this part of the program explains WHAT to do this year to kickstart or ramp up your permaculture production;
Module 3: Your Implementation Guides — this part of the program explains HOW to do WHAT;
Module 4: Your Permaculture Implementation Calendar — this part of the program explains WHEN to do WHAT
Bonus Section: Farmer’s Vault

The learning flow of this training is to first go through the big picture overview lesson first, then a yearly plan lesson, then implementation guides, and finally a yearly calendar.
