William Horvath (2021). Permaculture Farm Design Course

William Horvath. 2021. Permaculture Farm Design Course. Available from permacultureapprentice.com at permacultureconversion.com/permaculture-farm-design.

From the course's description:

This online course is specifically made for people who want to create a permaculture design for their land by themselves, and need practical guidance and actionable details on how to do it.

In the course, you get access to a practical permaculture design framework, broken down into easy to follow activities, that’ll guide you through the process of creating a masterplan for your permaculture farm or homestead.

There are four phases in our design process:

Phase 1: Goals and Context Articulation
Phase 2: Site Assessment
Phase 3: Whole-farm Layout
Phase 4: Detailed Design — Implementation Loop

Each phase of the process corresponds to one module of the course and we’ll go through them in this order.

  • Last modified: 2022-03-28 08:10
  • by Peter