William Horvath (2022). Permaculture Implementation Program

William Horvath. 2022. Permaculture Implementation Program. Available from permacultureapprentice.com at permacultureconversion.com/pip.

From the course's description:

This online program is specifically designed for permaculture farmers and homesteads who are starting out with their farm or homestead development, who are mostly doing things on their own, and need practical guidance on implementation. The program provides you with the practical tools so you know exactly WHAT to do WHEN, and HOW, with a specific focus on growing food.

There are four modules:

Module 1: The big picture — this part of the program explains gives you an overview of the hands-on work required to grow food an abundance of food;
Module 2: Your Yearly Plan — this part of the program explains WHAT to do this year to kickstart or ramp up your permaculture production;
Module 3: Your Implementation Guides — this part of the program explains HOW to do WHAT;
Module 4: Your Permaculture Implementation Calendar — this part of the program explains WHEN to do WHAT
Bonus Section: Farmer’s Vault

The learning flow of this training is to first go through the big picture overview lesson first, then a yearly plan lesson, then implementation guides, and finally a yearly calendar.

  • Last modified: 2022-03-28 08:10
  • by Peter